Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction
1.      What is erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction refers to the persistent inability of a man to get and maintain a penile erection sufficiently for sexual intercourse.  It is quite common in our population, affecting at least 1 in 20 men at 45 years old.  It becomes more common in the older population of men as well as men with certain medical conditions, at least 1 in 3 men at 65 years of age.
2.      What are the causes?
In most cases of erectile dysfunction, 75% of the time it is due to physical cause while the rest 25% have a psychological cause.
a.      Physical causes:
·        Aging.
·        Chronic illness.
·         Diabetes.
·         Nervous system disorder, such as stroke.
·         Reduced circulation of the penis.
·         Drugs reactions, such as marijuana, cocaine, narcotics, heavy smoking, sedatives,
tranquillizers, antidepressants and blood pressure medications.
·        Hormone irregularities.
·         Operations, such as penis or prostate operations.
b.      Psychological causes:
·         Stress and fatigue.
·         Anxiety and depression.
·         Marital disharmony.
·         Negative thoughts about sex and sexual performance.
·         Guilty feelings.
·         Ignorance about sexuality.
·         Situational stress, such as presence of other people in the homes or environment.
·         Performance anxiety.
3.      What tests need to be done?
The tests needing to be done include blood tests. Special investigation for function of the penis can be carried out.  Special sleep studies on erections during sleep can be performed to determine the causes of your erectile dysfunction.
4.      How can it be prevented?
·        Careful treatment of any medical conditions is important, such as your diabetes, heart
 conditions and strokes.
·         Avoid addictive drugs such as marijuana, heroin, ecstasy and amphetamine.
·        Do not drink more than two standard alcohol drinks a day.
·         Do not smoke.
·        Discuss the effects of your medicines with your doctor.
·         Regular exercise.
·        Plenty of rest and enough sleep.
·         Keep the stress level under control.
·         Promote sexual feelings:
a.      Have a good communication with your partner.
b.      Discuss and talk over sexual performance concerns.
c.      Choose a good atmosphere for love making and sex.
d.      Resolve any issues of marital discords or problems.
5.      What is the treatment?
All patients are advised to reduce any high alcohol consumption and quit smoking.  Significant stress and overworking should be sorted out.  Support and counselling for any stress or anxiety and depression and any psychological and mental conditions can be carried out. All patients are also advised to lose weight and take regular exercise.

Patients should see their doctors regularly to attend and treat any of their related medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart conditions or strokes.

Hormone replacement can be given if the blood tests find that you have a deficiency in certain hormone necessary for your sexual function.

You can use a Viagra type medication after being advised by your doctor.  An injection and penis insertion can be used for your erectile dysfunction.  Other methods include:
·        A vacuum device to make the penis to erect.
·         An operation to implant a firm and flexible device.
·        An operation to implant an inflatable device.

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